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Organized by
Centro di Telerilevamento a Microonde
Centro di
a Microonde
Istituto di Fisica Applicata "N.Carrara"
Istituto di Fisica
Applicata "N.Carrara"

Home Page » Final Paper Submission  

  Final Paper Submission

Presenting authors with accepted abstracts are encouraged but not required to publish their paper(s) in the conference proceedings. Only papers submitted, registered and presented at the conference will be included in the MICRORAD08 proceedings. Proceedings will be published in the IEEE Xplore and in a CD rom that will be sent to the conference participants.

If an author chooses to publish in the conference proceedings, the following instructions apply:

  • Prepare a 4-page pdf paper (including all figures, tables, and references) following the instructions indicated below.
  • Submit the paper by the deadline of April 18th, 2008 to the address: submit@microrad2008.org

Final Paper Instructions:

In order to submit their papers, the authors should follow this procedure:

  • All the papers must comply with the IEEE standards. The templates (MS Word©, Latex2e, etc.) could be find at the following link:
    in the section "Template for all Transactions (except IEEE Transactions on Magnetics)"
    VERY IMPORTANT: the following Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) code must be placed on the bottom, left-hand side of the first page of each paper:
    978-1-4244-1987-6/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE.
  • Prepare a pdf of the paper according the IEEE specifications.
    In order to obtain a valid pdf, please use the IEEE pdf express tool at:
    Click on the link "New Users - Click Here" and fill in your information.
    You will need the Conference ID which is: microrad08x
    If the authors choose not to use IEEE PDF eXpress, they can use the job options file (available here, the instructions can be find at the following site: http://www.ieee.org/portal/pages/pubs/confstandards/pdfs.html) to set Adobe Distiller to the correct requirements. In this case the authors are required to use the pdf express tool in order to check if their papers complain with the IEEE specifications.
  • Complete the following Copyright Form
    word (465 KB)
    pdf(44 KB)
  • Send the pdf version of the compliant paper and the pdf version of the signed copyright form to submit@microrad2008.org
    The copyright form could be also sent by fax at the following number: FAX: 0039-055-5226434

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