Poster Session I – Tuesday 11th/Wednesday 12th March 2008
Sensors and Missions
Resonances in corrugated horn antennas manifesting as baseline features in balanced spectra – E. De Wachter, A. Haefele, N. Kaempfer, S. Ka, A. Murk, J. Oh, C. Straub
Combined Airborne Radio-instruments for Ocean and Land Studies (CAROLS) – D. Hauser, P. Fanise, M. Parde’, N. Skou, A. Ruis
Development of Space L-band radiometric system and radiometer-polarimeter for subsatellite measurements – M.T. Smirnov, A.N. Armand , S.V. Marechek, V.P. Savorski, Yu.G. Tishchenko, V.S. Ablyazov, A. Khaldin
High-resolution spectral radiometer imaging system – M. Jirousek, M. Peichl, H. Suess
CALIMAS: Overview and current status of the Spanish Contribution to the SMOS CAL/VAL Activities - J. Ballabrera-Poy, A. Fernández-Ríos, A. Rius, A. Lavín, M. Portabella, A.Hernández-Guerra, E. García, J. Mallorquí, M. Vall-llossera, I. Corbella, J. Font, A. Camps
Use of Pseudo-Random Noise Sequences in Microwave Radiometer Calibration – I. Ramos-Perez, X. Bosch-Lluis, A. Camps, N. Rodríguez-Álvarez, J.F Marchan-Hernandez, E. Valencia
The Impact of the Number of Bits in Digital Beamforming Real Aperture and Synthetic Aperture Radiometers - X. Bosch-Lluis, I. Ramos-Pérez, A. Camps, E. Valencia, J.F. Marchan-Hernandez, N. Rodríguez-Álvarez, M. Vericat, M.A. Guerrero
Light L-band Radiometer for Unmanned Small Aircraft Applications - A. Aguasca, P. Benedicto, A. Camps
ELBARA II, L-band Radiometer Systems to be deployed for SMOS Cal/Val Purposes – A. Wiessmann, M. Schwank, C. Werner, C. Mätzler, B. Elsasser, U. Wegmuller
The WindSat Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer Mission – Advances in Data Products – P. Gaiser, M. Bettenhausen, L. Li, I. Adams, W. Johnston
Specialized RFI Filter For Synthetic Aperture Radiometers and Performance With 2D-STAR – M. Haken, D.M. Le Vine
Frequency-selective devices based on a polarization multibeam interferometer for radiometers in the millimeter and submillimeter wavelength ranges – L. Kniazkov, N. Ruzhentsev
A end-to-end simulator for the AltiKa radiometer – B. Picard, E. Obligis, N. Steunou, P. Sengenes, L. Eymard
On the reduction of the systematic error in imaging radiometry by aperture synthesis: a new approach for the SMOS space mission – A. Khazaal, H. Carfantan, E. Anterrieu
On-Orbit Radiometric Validation and Field-of-View Calibration of Spaceborne Microwave Sounding Instruments – W. Blackwell
Continuous monitoring of surface roughness changes over a bare soil field using L-band brightness temperature – A. Mialon, J.P. Wigneron, P. de Rosnay, M.J. Escorihuela, Y. Kerr
Perturbative solution for the scattering from multilayered structure with rough boundaries - D. Riccio, A. Iodice, P. Imperatore
Spaceborne microwave radiometry of the Moon surface layer: a model-based study – F. S. Marzano, M. Montopoli, P. Tognolatti, N. Pierdicca, G. Perrotta
An Intercomparison of ERS-Scat and AMSR-E Observations, and SVAT Soil Moisture Simulations over France – C. Rüdiger, T. Holmes, J.C. Calvet, R. de Jeu, W. Wagner
Historical data set of satellite–derived global land surface moisture – M. Owe, R. de Jeu, T. Holmes
Remote sensing of land surface using microwave radiometers, infrared radiometers, optical cameras and lidar: Bulgaria-2007 experiment – R. Haarbrink, A. Shutko, E. Novichikhin, S. Golovachev, A. Chukhlantsev, V. Krapivin, V. Kanev, K. Milenov, L. Milenova, K. Ivanov, A. Krisilov, I. Sidorov
Arctic polar algorithms for atmospheric water parameter retrievals from satellite passive microwave data – E. Zabolotskikh, L. Mitnik, L. Bobylev, O. Johannessen
Radiance assimilation of lower tropospheric sounding microwave channels over land – F. Hilton, S. English, T. Sreerekha
Observation of stratospherical trace gases by millimeter wave radiometry in tropical South America – G. Kopp, P. Hoffmann, J. Gross, G. Hochschild
A Novel Microwave Radiometer for Assessment of Atmospheric Propagation Conditions for 10 and 90 GHz Frequency Bands - D. Nörenberg, S. Crewell, Th. Rose, A. Martellucci
Retrieval of atmospheric water vapour profile using the Megha-Tropiques – C. Prigent, H. Brogniez, F. Bernardo, F. Aires
Development of a neural network for precipitable water vapor retrieval over ocean and land – P. Ciotti, F. Pelliccia, V. Mattioli, S. Bonafoni, P. Basili
Analysis of microwave and millimeter-wave water vapor brightness temperatures in the Arctic – V.Y. Leuski, M. Klein, A.J. Gasiewski, D. Cimini, Ed R. Westwater, V. Mattioli
Comparison of ground-based millimeter-wave observations in the Arctic winter – V. Payne, M. Exner, M. Mlawer, D. Turner, Ed R. Westwater, D. Cimini
Analysis of rainfall retrieval from ground-based multi-channel microwave radiometry – F.S. Marzano, D. Cimini, A. Memmo
Use of NWP data and ground microwave radiometers for the climatological assessment of radiowave propagation models – L. Luini, C. Riva, A. Martellucci
The impact of assimilating SSMIS radiances on analysed temperature and moisture fields in the Met Office global NWP model – S. Swadley, B. Candy, F. Hilton, J. English, W. Bell
Clouds and Precipitations
Error modelling related to microwave radiance assimilation of clouds and precipitation – R. Bennartz, M. Kulie
Rain retrieval using 183 GHz absorption lines – S. La Viola, V. Levizzani
Observations of the temporal and spatial distribution of water vapour and clouds with a scanning microwave radiometer – S. Kneifel, U. Loehnert, S. Crewell, J. Schween
On the Use of Microwave Sounder Data for High-Temporal Rainfall Maps based on Microwave Radiometers – S. Shige, T. Yamamoto, T. Tsukiyama, S. Kida, T. Kubota, K. Okamoto
Use of millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths to retrieve cloud/rain information in tropical systems – E. Defer, C. Prigent, F. Aires, J. Chaboureau, J.P. Pinty, J. Pardo
Potential of millimeter wavelength observations for remote sensing of precipitation and hydrometeors – M. Mech, S. Crewell, J.P. Chaboureau, I. Meirold-Mautner, C. Prigent
The microwave emission of a non-smooth periodic sea surface – A. Selunski, A. Kuzmin
Improving the Neural Networks' Retrieval of Sea Surface Salinity for SMOS Mission – A. Ammar, S. Labroue, C. Mejia, M. Crépon, S. Thiria, E. Obligis
L-Band Dielectric Constant Measurements of Seawater: Accuracy Issues and Measurements – R. Lang, C. Utku, Y. Tarkocin, D.M. Le Vine
The potential of QuikSCAT and WindSat observations for the estimation of sea surface wind vector under severe weather conditions – Y. Quilfen, C. Prigent, B. Chapron, A. Mouche
Air-sea interaction monitoring by remote and contact measurements: the results of the CAPMOS'05 and CAPMOS'07 experiments on an oceanographic platform in the Black Sea – M. Pospelov, Y. Goryachkin, N. Komarova, A. Kuzmin, A. Kuznetsov, P. Pampaloni, I. Repina, M. Smirnov, S. Zecchetto
Dynamics of short waves spectrum measured by remote and contact sensors from an oceanographic platform – M. Pospelov, V. Antonov, A. Kuzmin, I. Sadovsky
Melting snow in Greenland and Antarctica from space-borne microwave data and climate model results – M. Tedesco,R. Armstrong, K. Steffen, W. Abdalati, X. Fettweis, M. Brodzik
The millimeter wave response to volume density and grain size of dry statistically homogeneous snow. An algorithm for retrieval of snow depth from radiometer data at the frequencies 22 and 37 GHz – V. Golunov
Comparison of predictions by the modified HUT snow emission model with brightness temperature data representing forested terrain and snow-covered lake ice – J. Pulliainen, A. Kontu, J. Lemmetyinen, M. Takala
The retrievals of effective grain size and snow water equivalent from variatonally-retrieved microwave surface emissivities – C. Kongoli, S. Boukabara, F. Weng
Regional features of microwave radiation and snow cover interaction on the example of the north of the european part of Russia – V. Tikhonov,D. Boyarskii, L. Kitaev, M. Raev, E. Cherenkova
A theoretical analysis on the sensitivity of microwave emission to snow parameters – M. Brogioni, G. Macelloni, S. Paloscia, P. Pampaloni, S. Pettinato, E. Santi
Sea Ice
Multi year sea ice concentration mapping using passive and active microwave satellite data – E. Shalina, O.M. Johannessen
L-band radiometry for sea ice applications – G. Heygster, C. Haas, L. Kaleschke, D. Stammer, R. Tomboe
Radiometric Observations of Vines from the Green Period to the Withering – A. Monerris, M. Vall-llossera, A. Camps, M. Piles
The Mediterranean Ecosystem L-Band EXperiment over vineyards (MELBEX-II) – A. Cano, C. Millán-Scheiding, J.P. Wigneron, C. Antolín, J. Balling, J.P. Grant, A. Kruszewski, K. Saleh, S. Søbjærg, N. Skou, E. Lopez-Baeza