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Istituto di Fisica Applicata "N.Carrara"
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  Paper Prizes

Fondazione Bordoni - Prize Award

Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (FUB) has instituted a 1,000 Euro award, in memory of Professor Giovanni d'Auria, to be assigned to the authors of the best Atmospheric paper, presented at the MICRORAD 2008 meeting.

A Commission made up by David Staelin (MIT, USA), Ed Westwater (University of Colorado, USA), Domenico Solimini (University di Tor Vergata, Roma), Frank Marzano (University of Roma -Sapienza-) and chaired by Ermanno Fionda (Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, FUB, Roma) assigned the FUB prize, to Corinne Straub, of Berne University, and Domenico Cimini, of the University of L’Aquila :  

  1. Development of a 22 GHz correlating radiometer for the observation of stratospheric water vapor” by C. Straub, A. Murk, N. Kampfer, D. Zardet, B. Stuber,

  2. Temperature and humidity profiling in the Artic using millimeter-and submillimeter-wave radiometry”, by D. Cimini, E.R. Westwater, A Gasiewski, M. Klein, V. Leuki.


Best Poster Awards

On Friday afternoon the following six best posters were awarded:

  • “Development of a Miniaturized Microwave Radiometer for Satellite Remote Sensing”, by S. Reising, S. Padmanabhan, W. Foster, D. McKague

  •  “L-Band Dielectric Constant Measurements of Seawater: Accuracy Issues and Measurements”, by R. Lang, C. Utku, Y. Tarkocin, and D.M. Le Vine

  • “Deriving winds at cloud-base height using infrared camera and microwave radiometer”, by E. Brocard, M. Schneebeli and C. Mätzler

  • Observations of the temporal and spatial distribution of water vapour and clouds with a scanning microwave radiometer”, by  S. Kneifel, U. Loehnert, S. Crewell, and J. Schween

  • “Combined passive microwave and infrared estimates of land surface skin temperature: application to the estimation of land surface turbulent fluxes”, by C. Jimenez, C. Prigent, and F. Aires

  • “1D-Var Retrieval of the Wet Tropospheric Correction in Coastal Regions”, by L. Eymard, E. Obligis, and C. Desportes


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