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Organized by
Centro di Telerilevamento a Microonde
Centro di
a Microonde
Istituto di Fisica Applicata "N.Carrara"
Istituto di Fisica
Applicata "N.Carrara"

Home Page » Registration  


All fees are in Euro (€). The registration fee includes all conference materials, proceedings on CD ROM, welcome reception, and all breaks.

15 Jan,2008
15 Jan,2008
Member* IEEE# € 250 € 300
Non-Member € 300 € 350
Student** € 150 € 170

*Membership number required to qualify.
**Copy of student ID card or letter from advisor required with registration form.

To take advantage of lower registration rates, early registration and payment must be received before 15 January 2008.

MicroRad 2008 Registration Form DOC, PDF hot

Each presenting author must pay the pre-registration fee and is limited to present no more than three papers in oral and poster sessions. Only pre-registered and paid papers before 15 January, 2008 will be scheduled in the symposium program. Your pre-registration will be valid only provided your payment is received timely.

Please forward the completed Registration form by e-mail to info@microrad2008.org or by fax to +39 055 5226434, together with the titles of the papers accepted for presentation.

The preferred payment methods are the following:

1. By Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard Only)
Registration with Visa or MasterCard credit cards, please send all information with Card Name, Credit Card Number, Cardholder Name and Expiration Date to the above e-mail or fax addresses.

2. By Wire Transfering
Registration by bank wiring, please wire registration fee to the following bank account (Please note that all bank transfer charges must be paid by participant):

  • IBAN: IT 24S0630002806CC1770200077
  • Banking name and address: Cassa di Risparmio di S.Miniato Ag. #7, Firenze (Italy)
  • Beneficiary's name: Ce.Te.M. - Centro di Telerilevamento a Microonde
  • Beneficiary's account #: 200077.46, ABI 6300 - CAB 2806

3. Alternatively, by Check
Please send the check, made payable to Ce.Te.M., with all registration information to the following mailing address: Ce.Te.M. c/o IFAC-CNR, via Madonna del Piano, 10 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Florence, Italy)

If you pay by wire or check, please inform the MicroRad2008 office at info@microrad2008.org, your bank wiring or check mailing date before 15 January, 2008. A formal receipt will be sent to you by email immediately after your remittance is confirmed. If you need pro-forma invoice, please email to info@microrad2008.org.

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