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Organized by
Centro di Telerilevamento a Microonde
Centro di
a Microonde
Istituto di Fisica Applicata "N.Carrara"
Istituto di Fisica
Applicata "N.Carrara"

Home Page » Presentation Guidelines  

  Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations

Each presentation is allocated a duration of 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. A computer (running on MS Windows XP, or 2000) and software (MS Powerpoint 2003, Acrobat Reader) for presenting computer files (MS Powerpoint, Adobe) are available. Presenters can submit their presentation at the symposium on CD-Rom or USB-stick, preferably the day before or at least 15 minutes before the start of their session.
Should there be any specific presentation requests, then please provide such information before the beginning of the Symposium to the local organizers (email: info@microrad2008.org).


Poster Presentations

The poster authors will be provided with one display panel of 250.0cm high x 95.0cm wide and with the necessary means of attachment. The panels will be labelled with the corresponding abstract number. Posters will be split in two poster sessions (Tuesday-Wednesday and Thursday-Friday) and on display for two days. We foresee extended coffee breaks on Wednesday and Friday to give the participants the possibility of look at the posters. Authors should stay beside their poster during this time.
Moreover, we wish to inform you that a prize will be given to the best posters and it will be assigned during the Farewell, which will be held on Friday afternoon after the closing of the sessions.

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